Posts tagged cooking
Pandemic Pantry

A few months ago, my friend Natasha mentioned that her Instant Pot had been sitting on the dining room floor for over a year. “Wait, really?” I asked, mildly alarmed. “Yeah, where else is it supposed to go? All my storage space is full.” Natasha, like so many of us, had stocked up on supplies during the Covid pandemic, and again like so many of us, she’d run out of space. Being my former roommate, producing partner and my oldest friend in Los Angeles, I was obliged to help.

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Organize Your Pantry Like a Pro

Pantries are my number one favorite space to organize. Why?! I love to cook, I think food is beautiful when it’s displayed in pretty baskets and jars, and I love the challenge of making sense of small spaces. But you don’t need to be a professional to have a pantry that functions perfectly. Read on to see how!

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