Posts tagged home organization LA
6 Home Organizing Myths Explained

We are here to take a look at some of the most circulated organizing misconceptions and set the record straight. In this post, we will explore 6 home organization myths to help you figure out exactly what you should and shouldn’t focus on with your own home organizing journey. 

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DVDo's and DVDont's

Remember when DVDs came out and compared to VHS tapes they were so sleek and modern OMG and now they’re basically extinct and computers don’t even come with DVD drives anymore? We’re living in a time where technology is sprinting along and our little analog brains are like, wait, what am I supposed to do with all this stuff I bought over the last few decades? Well good news, I’m here to tell you that I have all the answers! (Just kidding, kind of). I don’t have all the answers, but I definitely have some guidance for you, so if you have piles of plastic cases bumming you out in your living room, read on my friend.

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Organize Your Pantry Like a Pro

Pantries are my number one favorite space to organize. Why?! I love to cook, I think food is beautiful when it’s displayed in pretty baskets and jars, and I love the challenge of making sense of small spaces. But you don’t need to be a professional to have a pantry that functions perfectly. Read on to see how!

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