How to Keep Your Creative Space Organized Without Losing Your Creativity
Getting into the creative zone can be a lot like working out. Just getting your sneakers on is often the biggest hurdle in going for a run. And storing your yoga mat in an easily accessible spot means you’re less likely to skip your practice. Likewise, having your creative space and tools organized and easily accessible is half the battle. But how do you do that without letting the mess take over?
“…the last thing you want to do after a creative session is put everything back”
Whether you’re into sewing, painting or anything in between, the last thing you want to do after a creative session is put everything back into some far away corner of a closet only to have to lug it all back out when it’s time to finish your masterpiece.
Check out some of our favorite storage solutions for creative spaces:
If you’re lucky enough to have a whole studio or craft room for creating, make sure you have dedicated spots for all of your supplies, but give yourself some leeway to keep things out when needed. For example, keep a crate filled with paint tubes that you organize by color regularly, but while you’re working on a project the paint gets to stay out for as long as it needs to. Think about ways to keep things neat and organized, without having them too hidden. Take inspiration from the garage and hang a peg board or a few hooks on the wall for tools like rulers, scissors, tape and ribbon.
“Think about ways to keep things neat and organized, without having them too hidden.”
If you don’t have a whole room for arts and crafts, consider placing a storage unit with a foldable table, like this one from IKEA, in any room where you have some extra space. This way supplies can be neatly organized on the shelves - separate bins for keeping like items together, canisters for stashing paintbrushes, etc. - while still within easy reach when you or the kids are working at the table. Once craft time is over, the table folds up neatly hiding the supplies along with it.
“…it helps to have all your tools and materials organized so you can get to them as soon as inspiration strikes.”
We all know decluttering is a big part of organizing, because it’s easier to get organized when there’s less unnecessary stuff, but when it comes to tools and supplies it can start to feel like we need absolutely everything. One reason art and craft supplies can be especially tricky to pare down is because this is a prime realm for that, “but what if I need it someday?” voice to pop in. Especially with kids, there’s always the Murphy’s Law thought that if you give the pom poms and feathers away now, you just know their next school project will be all about feathers.
“Ask yourself if you can replace them for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes.”
This is where the 20-20 rule can be a great help! If lots of leftover or inexpensive craft items are taking up space that could be put to better use, ask yourself if you can replace them for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes. Granted this rule may be adjusted for online shopping since not all local stores are open at the moment, but the concept can still help you narrow things down. Plus, there are so many schools and organizations that are always looking for extra art supplies. In the L.A. area, you can check out Inner City Arts and Free Arts to see what they may be in need of and donate your supplies.
It’s all about balance. Creativity requires the freedom to spread out and get messy when you need to, but it also helps to have all your tools and materials organized so you can get to them as soon as inspiration strikes.