Organize Your Under Sink
It’s been about a month since Safer at Home started here in Los Angeles, and I don’t know about you but I’ve gotten a littttttle stir crazy. I’ve reorganized my pantry, my craft supplies, and with all the extra cleaning supplies we’ve had around lately, I decided it was time to tackle the area under my kitchen sink.
My husband and I made this video at home when quarantine started because I wanted to share my ideas and offer some inspiration to everyone who’s at home and looking for a quick, do-able project. I love tackling spaces you get into every day because they have the opportunity to really impact your life in a positive way. Now that we can see everything we have and get to all of our cleaning and dishwashing supplies easily, kitchen cleanup is much easier.
If you’re looking to organize your own under-sink area, here are some of my favorite products to help get the job done!
I LOVE this for under the sink, plus it has removable dividers for extra customization.
We use these in spaces all over the house, but I especially love them under the sink. They come in 4”, 6” and 8” widths, I think the 6” and 8” work best here.
This is a good budget pick that works well when you have a lot of height under your sink.
This is one of my favorite under sink products, it is super sturdy and rolls out so you can really use the depth of the space.
This is a smaller version of the large lazy susan from above, it’s great for sponges, brushes and dishwasher pods.