The Space Camp Guide to Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning has always felt like a double-edged sword to me. On one hand, the weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer, and I finally feel like I have the energy to tackle some projects that have been on my list all winter. But on the other hand, the weather is getting nicer (lol), and I don’t want to be stuck home all weekend doing chores. In an effort to strike a healthy balance of work and play, I’ve made this guide to getting the most out of your Spring Cleaning energy. This way, you can make some meaningful changes in your home that will reverberate through the rest of your year.
To start, I want you to make a list. If you could snap your fingers and change three things about your home today, what would they be?
What I’d Change Today:
Here are mine:
A more functional and spacious pantry
Less stuff out on my kitchen counters
An organized mudroom / laundry room (with clear counters)
Now, think about available time. Look at your calendar for the next couple of weeks. Is there any time you want to devote to these projects? Maybe you’re willing to set aside four hours for three weekends in a row. Add these appointments to your calendar.
Look back at your list. What feels manageable to you in the amount of time you’ve allotted? If you’ve said “clean the garage” or something rather large, maybe you pick one shelf or corner to start in. If you want to fully redecorate a space but it’s cluttered, it’s probably best to start by organizing and then tackle a redesign down the road. The key here is to take meaningful bites out of a project and complete something from start to finish in your scheduled time.
Before you dive in on your organizing / cleaning days, I want you to do the following:
Eat something! You can’t focus or work if you aren’t well-fed and hydrated.
Now, go in with a plan. Try to stay focused so you can feel like you’ve created meaningful change.
Play music or put on a TV show you like. If you make it as fun as possible, the time will feel less endless and the task less daunting.
Take a “before” pic of your space. There’s nothing that will motivate you to keep organizing than a good ol’ before and after to look back on.
Ok it’s time to get to it! Keep reading for a list of some great bite-sized spaces to tackle if you need some inspiration. And if the idea of doing this yourself sounds exhausting, ask a friend to come help, or reach out to us! We’d love to help you whip your spaces into shape in person in Los Angeles, or via our course if you live somewhere else.
Gardening Tools
Start Summer off right with a little garden shed organization. Hang your tools on the wall using a broom holder, and sort other supplies into plastic bins and boxes.
Take an hour or two to go through everything in your pantry. Check expiration dates and set aside anything you think you won’t realistically eat (donate this to a local food pantry or give to a neighbor). Then sort by category and store “like” items together. Bonus points if you add a few baskets and labels for containment.
Clothing Closet
Spring is a great time to take stock of your closet. Are you holding on to clothes that don’t fit you anymore? Do you have things cluttering up the floor that you’re ready to let go of? Invite a friend over to hang out on the bed and help you work your way through this notoriously personal space.
Garage Track Wall
If you have a lot of things to hang in your garage, consider a track wall! You simply hang the track and then you can mix and match different hooks to customize the storage to your specific needs. We especially love this solution for gardening tools, beach chairs, cleaning supplies, oversized tools and more!