How to Keep Your Bedroom Organized
I need my sleep. Like, badly. If I don't sleep well at night, I turn into a completely different, monster-version of myself during the day. Therefore...having a relaxing bedroom is a must. Easier said than done, right? Not so much: with these six easy steps, your bedroom can be a relaxing retreat and not just a glorified storage unit for clothes and clutter. (note: italicized words are links to my favorite products and articles!)
1) HAVE LESS STUFF. I know. This isn't a magic cure. It requires some work, a few hours put in, but you simply can't stay organized when your room is stuffed to the brim. My advice is to do it in stages. Start with your closet and donate what you don't like or don't wear. Move on to your bedside table. What do you actually use there? My guess is the 10 year old chapstick and crusty hand lotion can be tossed... Imagine only having what you need next to where you sleep: your current book, an eye mask, a glass for water, etc. If you put the hard work in at the beginning and get rid of unneeded items, it will be so much simpler to keep things organized.
2) Keep Electronics to a Minimum. You know this already. Bright screens wake you up. Electronics keep your body from fully relaxing into sleep. But it's true, and making it a point to not inundate yourself with screens in the bedroom will immediately make it feel more like a retreat and less like work. That being said, there will be a few cords in your room no matter what (phone chargers, lamps, etc.), so consider keeping these in check. I like using these cord clips and this cable box from the Container Store.
3) Give Everything a Home. This is one of my fundamental tenets of being organized: if everything has a place it lives, you'll be able to tidy up quickly. Use drawer organizers in your bedside drawer to keep items easily at hand. Make sure your shoes have a home in your closet. Keep an attractive laundry hamper available (and keep the lid on it!). Leave a basket out for blankets or reading materials. Make it easy for yourself to clean up and you'll be more likely to do it.
4) Take 5 minutes to Tidy Up Before Bed. Enough said. Make it a habit.
5) Make Your Bed. Quickly make your bed in the morning. This extra step ALWAYS makes me feel more relaxed when I come home from a busy day.
6) Add Some Green. If you know me, there's a solid chance I've talked your ear off about the NASA Clean Air Study. NASA suggests investing in one plant for every 100 square feet of your home: here's a cool infographic that shows what plants clean the air best. Not only does adding greenery make you breathe easier, it also relaxes your brain and helps you relax. A few plants have done wonders to turn my bedroom into a place I look forward to being in the evening. If you're worried about killing your plants, I suggest starting with a plant or two from this list.